Wednesday, October 1, 2008

All natural acne scar treatments

« ...There are several different types of acne scarring including; ice pick scarring, atrophic scarring and hypertrophic scarring. Ice pick scars are usually small deep pitted scars with steep jagged edges. Atrophic scars are smaller and soft, and over time change color and reduce in size. Hypertrophic scars are thick and lumpy and sit above the surface of the skin, much more common on the back and chest....
...Exercise may also be beneficial in helping to reduce acne. If you live a highly dormant lifestyle then make sure to implement some sort of workout routine into your life. Be sure to do both aerobics and strength training. Start slowly and do even ten to fifteen minutes of exercise a day. The important thing is to start and make it a habit. It will always be difficult in the beginning but if you do it consistently it will become a natural part of your life....»
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«...However, once a person realizes that they are suffering with acne they should start immediate treatment and preventive methods instead of allowing the scars to be deep and disfiguring. This way there are more chances of healing the scars completely with much simpler methods. If however, the scars have become very deep then it is always better to seek the help of a dermatologist instead of treating it with home remedies. The sooner the treatment is started the more effective will it be. So the moment you suspect that you might have acne get started on getting it cleared and do not wait for it to become a chronic condition of the skin. This way it will be much easier to deal with acne scar removal....»
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tags: top 10 rated acne medications by dermatoligists, new acne treatment, best cure for acne

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