Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne scar removal, ipl, photos and is cystic acne caused by staph

Mild acne can be treated by washing with mild soap and water and a topical cream such as benzoyl peroxide, but moderate or moderately severe acne should seek the assistance of a dermatologist. Because a dermatologist has training in skin conditions, he/she would be able to determine the best course of action to treat acne as every case is different. Whatever regimen you decide on, the treatment will take from four to eight weeks to be effective. Be patient and whatever you do, do not pick or pop your pimples. This will lead to scarring which is even less attractive than the acne.
Thankfully, there are natural ways to fight acne. Many people do not realize that they can treat their breakouts right in their own home without having to seek the guidance and medication from a doctor.
An acne cyst appears similar to a nodule, but is filled with pus, and has been described as having a diameter of 5mm or more across. It can be painful. Cysts can cause permanent scarring. Squeezing an acne cyst may cause a deeper infection and more painful inflammation which will last much longer than if you had left it alone. Dermatologists often have ways of lessening swelling and preventing scarring, so consult the dermatologist.
tags: removing acne marks and mederma, acne free 2 lotion, redness on face from acne

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