Monday, August 4, 2008

Best acne gel work overnight and home remedies for acne on the back

Do not use too much soap! Yes, you think the more that you soap your face the better it will look right? Well thats not the case, in fact it usually makes your face worse actually. Excessive soap can actually dry out your face and leave it dry. When this happens it can actually clog your pores and creates more pimples. I know this is going to sound crazy and perhaps dirty, but I actually do not soap my face at all. Its funny too because when I was in college one day I actually ran out of my Neutrogena acne wash and I thought my face was going to look horrible. It turned out my face started looking better, and I never have used any sort of acne product or soap since then and my face has been clearer than ever the last few years. I know this is not the case for everyone but you need to only soap your face once a day tops, just give it a try and you might be surprised. Any acne diet or natural treatment needs to cut back on the soap usage!
Many acne treatments can damage your skin. They can leave your skin dry and scaly. Some can even make your face red and blotchy, raw from the chemicals that are used in these products. If you suffer from acne it may seem like you have no choice but to use these products and live with the results. Fortunately there are many natural cures that can effectively treat acne without these nasty side effects.
Acne is a problem that many Americans are dealing with today, and many people are feeling extremely frustrated as they attempt to deal with their acne problem, only to fail again and again. There are many products out there that can help with acne; however, often it is the simple things that you do on your own that can really be a huge help for your acne problem. If you really want to get rid of your acne, here are a few of the top tips for dealing with acne that can really help you out.
tags: herbs for stubbrn acne, acne scars for dry skin, acne after stopping birth control pills

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