Monday, August 4, 2008

Zenmed acne scar treatment and treatment for long term acne in older adult males

Our skin has sebaceous glands that produce oil. However, when these glands produce too much oil, the excess oil can mix with dirt and dead skin cells and clog the pores. This is how acne often starts. So if you have oily skin, you need to keep it under control. Astringents help control oil on the face, reducing acne outbreaks. However, choose an astringent carefully because there are astringents that can make acne worse.
Lastly, you could go the cost effective, more natural route to get rid of your acne scars. A mix of cocoa butter and vitamin E in a cream form can be used on your acne scars. This can eliminate the appearance of your acne scars over time, with the chance of it possibly disappearing altogether. While cost effective, this method does take a lot of time before you start to see results.
I imagine after reading that title, you are probably thinking: "Oh yeah, secret cure for acne - right!" I will admit, if I were you, I would be thinking the same exact thing. However, that was before I saw the results for myself. By applying the secret cure for acne, my daughter, who suffered from a severe case of acne in her early teen years, was able to successfully recover. I was simply amazed at the transition that her skin experienced as she went through the healing process. Now, I am here to share my story with you - as well as this "secret" that I am claiming will cure acne...
tags: what takes the redness out of acne, how do i get rid acne scars on face, loreal active response intensive adult acne peel

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