Saturday, September 27, 2008

Best makeup for acne prone skin

« ...When it comes to acne, we all want it gone as quickly as possible, so we buy maximum strength products. The problem with this is that in most cases it is overkill. Why swat a fly with a flyswatter when it will be just as dead if we use a sledgehammer? Because the sledgehammer will do some pretty significant damage to the table the fly landed on. Similarly, when we use too strong a concentration of benzoyl peroxide, we may get rid of the zit quickly, but the rest of the skin suffers. Thus, the benzoyl peroxide trap. We have acne, we treat the acne with maximum strength product, the pimples clear up, then the skin dries out and becomes uncomfortable, we stop using the acne product, and the pimples come back. It's an endless circle, unless . . ....
...Most adults assume that acne will be the last thing that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. However, this is a terrible assumption to make. This is because acne can happen to any adult at the most unexpected occasions. Such examples include adulthood, pregnancy, and menopause....»
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«...Remember that acne can also be caused by your living conditions. When was the last time that you managed to get some sleep? Think about how often you have felt drowsy, cranky or tired and remember that it can show up on your skin. Start by getting a lot of water into your system and making sure that you get a full night's sleep, whatever it is for you. Instead of resolving to sleep in, which is difficult, try going to bed early, say, as soon as you start to yawn....»
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tags: is eating soy bad for acne, cbs newscast health report on acne laser procedure, skin care routine for adult hormonal acne

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